The above table reflects the Top, Average, Median, and Lowest Gross Sales of certain franchised outlets. For purposes of this table, an “Enterprise” is defined as one or more than one franchised outlet owned by a single individual, group, or business entity.
Plant Plus Satellite includes 5 enterprises with a single plant and a single satellite unit both of which have been open 3 years as of December 31st 2022 who report using our standard Point of Sale software. 31 Plant units, 32 satellite units, 9 delivery only units, and 1 laundromat have been excluded due to not fitting the criteria stated.
Plant Only includes 22 plant units which have been open 3 years as of December 31st 2022 who report using our standard Point of Sale software. 14 Plant units, 37 satellite units, 9 delivery only units, and 1 laundromat have been excluded due to not fitting the criteria stated.
Satellite Only includes 22 satellite units which have been open 3 years as of December 31st 2022 who report using our standard Point of Sale software. 36 Plant units, 15 satellite units, 9 delivery only units, and 1 laundromat have been excluded due to not fitting the criteria stated.